Thursday, December 16, 2010

Distractions and other things disrupting my stream of consciousness

I haven't posted in a while other than just embedding things that interest me.

I've been keeping all of my thoughts to myself.

It's kind of annoying worrying about the things you put out especially when your grammar sucks and you have an odd tendency to omit a word or two when you write. My mind gets ahead of my fingers and it makes me look like an idiot. If I'm leaving words out, when I'm trying to say things that might actually be important to me, it makes me not want to write. So, I end up not writing sometimes. It's too frustrating.

Also, there's the occasional misspelling, which is also an annoying. But, thankfully, they have imbedded spell correct technology that keeps that from happening.

Then, there's little things like the word "ontop." As far as I'm concerned, "ontop" should be a compound word like "into." It's actually a word according to the people who get to make up the English language, but not "ontop."

Sorry, I went that extra step to explain myself.

Enough of my torments of wrastlin' with the English language.

A little while ago I was playing around with my French translator on my computer.

I looked up how to translate: Oops, I did it again. (oh là là!, je l'ai fait de nouveau)

I looked up how to translate: Generous Lover (amoureux généreux)

Then, I looked up: Is your lover generous? (Votre amoureux est-il généreux?)

A few weeks ago, I looked up possibly my best t-shirt idea ever: Turn off the television (arrêtez la television)

I figured since nobody listens to me speak to them in English, I'll try it in French.

A t-shirt website is something I've wanted to build for a long time.

Something I heard in a Mad Men commercial recently, "in advertising the best idea wins." I reckon the same hold true in t-shirt slogans.

Something, else I do that annoys me when I write. I start going back and editing as I'm writing writing. I start rewriting and it derails me somehow. That's one more thing that makes me not want to write. I can't even begin to tell you how much shit I've started and then got frustrated and deleted anyway. Oh well.

I'd rather give up on writing something than to never have endeavored to write anything at all.

But then, there's a famous quote which goes: I think, therefore I am--I am, therefore I write.

So, I think the larger issue is that I need to start writing about things I really care about.

Rufus Wainwright is tinker away on the piano right now. He's singing a Christmas song, and this post is becoming tiresome, adieu.

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