Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pluto, Planet X, and Haley's comet

Haley's comet completes its orbit every 75 years.

Pluto completes its orbit every 248 years.

How long does it take Planet X?

Supposedly, it takes Planet X about 3,500 years.

Oh, you haven't heard about Planet X.

Not surprising.

You haven't heard there's large object headed in our general direction coming from the south, and it's not actually a planet, but something called a brown dwarf star. (whatever that is) It was 1st spotted in 1983.

Currently, it's only visible from the South Pole, but starting in about 2010, it will be visible from North America. It's about 4 times bigger than the earth, and it's getting closer.

By 2012, it will be a big ball in our sky. (Not as big as our moon, but big enough.)

Could this object be related to doomsday biblical stories such as Noah's Arc or something of the sort? Could be. The current melting of everything would indicate that something unusual is happening, and I'm less inclined to believe in an Al Gore fairy tale than I am an astrological event. Something massive could happen in our solar system.

Why not?

Shit happens.

It would be an incredible stroke of coincidence, if something like a planet that's in a funky orbit comes nearby in our lifetime. Oh, and by the way, it's a HUGE event that only happens every 3,500 years and totally screws everything up.

3,500 years isn't a very long time in the grand scheme of things, it's a drop in the bucket. But, to mankind, think about how much history there's been over the last 3,500 years. (practically everything that's ever been recorded.)

So, in the bible there's a story of a flood. Granted, there are mythical, astrological, and historical events in the Bible. Who's to say which is which?

Perhaps, the story of Noah was actually part an astrological event, and the part about the passing of the planet was omitted from the Bible. (Yes, important stuff has been deleted from the Bible, and this could be one of those things.) Or, maybe, Noah just wasn't smart enough, and he couldn't really put 2 and 2 together and figure out that the thing that caused the flood was that extra orb in the sky, but he just a strong sixth sense that waters were rising and they are going to keep rising.

Perhaps, a long long time ago a planet that sort of behaves like a comet comes through our solar system, and it causes planets to wobble and unusual solar activity.

You might think a planet wobbling is no big woop, but the truth of the matter is, even something slightly unnatural happening to the earth's orbit or gravitational field could cause something cataclysmic--something like the polar ice caps melting, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes. Notice any of these things happening lately?

Maybe these events are omens. Maybe, nature is giving the world a wake up call.

Mother Nature is saying, "Hey douche bag! Remember me? I can rain on your parade--not metaphorically, but literally.

You know, I once heard a line in a movie, and it goes like this, "Would you like to know how to make God laugh? Tell him your plans."

No truer words have ever been spoken.

To me, people are delusional, if they're not aware of how often things go awry around them. So often, someone socks away a few million bucks, and they think they're king of the world, and they forget completely about how it's beautiful miracle when things go exactly according to how we want things to go.

Think about that.

Surely, we all think very highly of ourselves. In many ways, we think we're invincible. We're acting as if we're god because we're good at creating the illusion of control. When the truth of the matter is, we are all just going for a ride around the sun on this great big beautiful green and blue ball.

And, sometimes shit happens.

If there's any merit to this story, and a great flood happens, people will just have to move to higher ground.

Probably, in Noah's day, a planetary event would catch a lot of people off guard, and a lot of people "ate it" as they say. Some people, who spent millions on Manhattan apartments, aren't going to be very happy about their condo being under water. Oh well. Perhaps, Manhattan will turn into America's Venice. That actually sounds pretty kick ass.

Moreover, If this hypothesis isn't a total load of crap, the doomsdayers would absolutely love it. In fact, they'd be overjoyed. They'd feel complete vindication for being so freakin pessimistic about everything.

The thought leads me to the question, would I be one of the lucky bastards who'd survive? I mean, after all, I survived Y2K without a scratch. If I could survive that, I could survive anything. Most likely, though, this is just another lame hoax like Y2K.

Nevertheless, this story has made it onto my proverbial radar. It will be interesting, if mainstream media picks up this story. It seems like it's the kind of story that they'd fall in love with. It's jammed packed with apocolyptic (if that's even a word) death and misery.

Oh yeah, and one more thing, the Mayan calender ends in 2012.

YouTube has several videos up, which delve into this much deeper. When I get around to it, I'll post some, or you could just go check out YouTube.

It will make you think.

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