Thursday, August 23, 2007

George Bush actually made an interesting point.

Today, George Bush made a reasonably intelligent sounding speech, but I wouldn't have known unless I was watching the BBC World News this evening.

Anyway, he actually brought up Vietnam, and he mentioned the millions of people who were killed after the US pulled out, and how new words made it into our lexicon like "killing fields" "re-education camps" "boat people"

--If you haven't seen The Killing Fields with James Woods, you should.So yeah, Bush makes a valid point every now and then. There was a genocide in Cambodia in the 70's and the rise of the Khmer Rouge's power was influenced by the U.S.

Bush has been saying pulling out will have severe consequences, but when you actually throw in a decent reference-- it makes you go--hmmmmm....

The Killing Fields were actually in Cambodia, but still...

The re-education camps and the boat people were in/from Vietnam. They came about as a result of our hasty retreat. Something like that could easily happen again, especially when you consider how terrible it has already been. It's fine mess Bush has gotten us onto.

When you consider Bush was keeping the Texas airspace free of Vietcong during the Vietnam war, his point really wasn't really that great of a point.

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