Thursday, May 17, 2007

China, Tibet, and an ecological disaster.

Let me go on record here and say, it's not very smart to eat any produce grown in China. China has the worst environmental record of any country in the Western Hemisphere.

All you have to do is watch a documentary on China. All you'll see is polluted rivers and smoke stacks releasing toxic fumes everywhere.

China, in pursuit to become an economic powerhouse, has cut every environmental corner imaginable. As it is know, it is not safe to eat produce or livestock from China, and it will more than likely be this way for the next 30 or so years. You can also expect to hear, from China, of astronomical cancer rates because of all this pollution.

OK, so maybe you won't hear about it--China doesn't have a Free Press, which brings this story to China's humanitarian record. China invaded Tibet in 1950!

In 1958, the Dalai Lama fled to India to avoid being imprisoned and tortured. Yes, the Dalai Lama has lived in exile for close to 50 years. You don't hear much about it. In fact, you really don't hear anything about it. Sad to say it, but Tibet doesn't have any oil.

The genocide that's occurred there has not received very much coverage here in the U. S--OK, it really hasn't recieved any coverage. An overwhelming majority of Americans are unaware of the 1 million or so Tibetans, who've been murdered and thrown into concentration camps, nor have they heard about the 1 million who fled to India. Americans don't realize Tibetans can't even carry around a picture of the Dalai Lama lest they get caught, imprisoned, and tortured until they renounce their beliefs, or if they don't renounce, they can expect to sit in prison for 20 years or longer.

The situation in Tibet is horrible. Chinese now outnumber Tibetans in their own country!!--8 million to 9 million. Over 6,000 monastaries have been leveled.

Basically, the primary perveyors of compassion on planet earth have been kicked out of there own country, and we, as human beings, cannot simply stand aside without saying something about it.

If you buy something made in China in the near future, and you think you're getting a deal--please think about the actual cost.

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