Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cleaning My Act Up

I'm going to use better language from here on in. It's just makes more sense.

I've also gone through most of these posts, and deleted and edited most of them. I'm realizing I can soften the tone of whatever I'm writing, and it still gets the same message across while being more readable.

The only reason I would put my life out here for inspection is to use feedback to become a better person.

I get angry and stressed out and blogging is sort of cathartic, but it's also revealing at times of things that are on my mind that shouldn't be there. I want to be a kind and compassionate person and still make a difference with my writing. I'm still learning how to do that.

I began re-editing my book on Saturday. I realized immediately after I published it there where things in it that I was having moral issues with, which is funny because I wrote it. My plan when I wrote it was to get enough copies printed so I could send one to each Congressman, the President, and all the members of the Supreme Court-I still plan to do that.

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