Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Power of the Purse

I've posted alot of documentaries on this blog. This one is probaby the best when it comes to understanding U.S. Economy. ...this may sound like a boring topic, but it's not. This documentary explains the who, what, where, when, and why of the reasons the U.S. in its current condition. There's nothing more important than understanding what the fuck is really going on this world because what it boils down to is a handful of people have been controlling the American economy. These people have made us all slaves to a system that doesn't care about We the People.

They want us to struggle.

They want us to be debt slaves.

They want us to accept constant turmoil.

They want us to not really understand what's being done to us. The more complex life is, the easier it is for them to rob us blind, but if you understand what's happened historically, you can see what's coming and why. You could also learn who the real political leaders are like Ron Paul.

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