Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some considerations on American slavery.

Land of the Free Home of the Brave?

Let's start this off by quoting the 13th Amendment:

"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

Read that, and tell me slavery isn't alive and well in America today?

There's a bunch of old photographs floating around on the web that show what chain gang workers looked like in the late 1800's to early 1950's here in America?

Try to imagine what chain gang photographs all have in common. You can probably figure it out yourself first without even google searching "chain gang photographs".

Any person who knows any American history can tell you what they look like.

They'll say: "A bunch of black guys African American males dressed in black and white striped uniforms all chained together with a white guy standing there with overalls and a shot gun."

...because if you go search, you'll see that's true. (I'm not posting just one photograph because seeing that there are literally of hundreds of photographs that match the description.)

So then, you get the idea that the Civil War was merely a smoke screen for the abolition of slavery.

Slavery did not end in 1864 when the 13th Amendment passed. Slavery continued, only it wore a black and white striped uniform. That's true.

Then you, if you've been studying conspiracies for a long time, like moi, you discover the Civil War was instigated by European Royalty, like the Rothchilds, because they were angry they couldn't get their fiat money system installed, or some other reason.

The ruling royalty want to create a One World Government, and they've wanted this since before the United States became the United States.

Power transcends between families, and it always has. Bloodlines are traceable amongst the ruling class.

It makes sense then that rules that govern the world are set by a relatively small handful of people, and when one of these people set one of these rules, you can bet it is always self-serving. ALWAYS.

Re-read the 13th Amendment, please:

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

Consider, the person, who wrote the 13th Amendment, had a name. Lincoln supposedly played an active role in it's passage.

Then, consider the big "Except." "...,except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,"

You have to look at that and wonder, if the guy really knew what he was doing.

After that "exception" it's not hard to see why a new form of slavery endured long after Lincoln was assassinated.

Bear in mind, most of today's prisons are "publicly" owned for-profit corporations. It costs taxpayers $40,000 per year per prisoner. Wonder why your property taxes are so high?

Think about how everything today is meant to seem so normal.

You turn on the evening news and there's a guy reading the days events as he's putting all sorts of weird inflections in his voice. He reads and just barely glosses everything that happened in the entire world that day in about 30 minutes, and yet, somehow, you watch it and you feel like your "informed."

You're "informed," and you just read that the reason slavery is alive and well has to do with Lincoln's big "exception" in the 13th Amendment.

It's as plain as the nose on your face.

If you spend as much time think about the 13th Amendment as I have, you start to realize a few things.

First, you realize the 13th Amendment should be repealed. It should be repealed immediately.

Why? ...because slavery is slavery. Just because someone's been convicted of a crime should not make food for a Warden Slavemaster.

Give that a few moments of thought.

Think about all the suffering the 13th Amendment has caused.

How many black men were thrown in prison for doing something as simple as jaywalking?

It's pretty easy to figure out, if you search "chain gang photographs" in any search engine.

After looking over and thinking about the 13th Amendment awhile, you start to wonder, if there are other places in our beautiful Constitution that need to be updated. If you do that, and your like me, you'll probably find a few more places.

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