Friday, May 14, 2010

Robert Rodriguez proves he doesn't get it with "Machete"

Mexicans have been flooding into America—forty million so far by some estimates.

This is a travesty not because illegal immigrants are flooding into America, but they are not staying to fight a revolution in their own country, which is what they need to do. They are fleeing when they should be staying put and fighting.

Basically, Mexico is still ruled by Spain.

The Mexican people never had a Revolution that resulted in the Rights the Mexican people need to create an economy of, for and by the Mexican people.

So, Mexicans come here illegally instead of confronting the Spanish Government in Mexico.

Here's a video showing 700 illegal immigrants entering the United States on ONE trail over a ONE month period.

This is travesty.

Instead of pointing the Mexican people in the right direction, which is a Mexican Revolution in Mexico, Robert Rodriguez is stirring up revolt in the United States.

Robert Rodriguez should be ashamed of himself.

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