Saturday, May 08, 2010

I'm about to go off on one of my profoundly important bitch sessions

I'm watching this BP oil disaster unfold, and I'm thinking to myself—every American should boycott BP until that company ceases to do business in the United States.

Here's another bunch of greedy rich bastards trying to shirk responsibility. BP made about $40 billion dollars PROFIT a couple of years ago.

They've got the money to take extraordinary precautions to prevent this kind of thing as well as go to extraordinary lengths to fix this massive fuck up.

It's now been about 3 weeks since the platform exploded. Maybe more than 100,000 gallons of oil have spewed into the Gulf of Mexico right off the coast of New Orleans. There's no telling what the end result of this environmental catastrophe will be for the people and wildlife in the region—you can bet people and animals will be suffering for decades to come.

Where's BP going to be during all that?

Has BP pledged billions? Has BP said anything meaningful?

Has BP gone on TV and accepted responsibility?

Has BP done the exact same thing every shitty corporation after a colossal fuck up.

Seriously, BP could be doing 10 times what they are currently doing. They could put up something like $10 billion.

But no, BP is behaving exactly the Exxon behaved after Valdiz.

In fact, Exxon still hasn't paid off the victims. They've fighting in courts for more than 20 years, and can already foresee BP doing the exact same thing.

These corporations never learn.

Americans are going to forget about this disaster that's killing millions of animals and wrecking 1,000s of businesses along the Gulf coast. These things will keep everyone distracted: the stock market crash, Iran might be building a bomb, the Greek crisis, Tea Party bullshit, or some douche bag, who couldn't make a bologna sandwich, tried to blow up a car.

BP is going to get away with this, and 20 years from now, you'll hear a news report where BP is appealing the courts decision to pay off the billions they owe. Just wait.

If I'm still alive 20 years from now, and this happens, I'm going to be pissed.

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