Monday, August 17, 2009


Aspartame is a very addictive drug, methanol is classified as a narcotic. You may go through withdrawal symptoms when getting off it. Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon wrote Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills and says in it that magnesium protects the brain and the heart from excitotoxins. This may help a bit.

The phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers manic depression, panic attacks, anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, rage, etc. You have no control over it and unfortunately, because of the lies from industry and FDA, physicians do not correlate the problems with aspartame. Instead try to medicate the symptoms as usual but aspartame interacts with antidepressants and many other drugs. Dr. H. J. Roberts has written a new medical text on the world plague titled Aspartame Disease: The Ignored Epidemic, available at or by calling 1-800-814-9800. Not only will every physician should have a copy and read it but so should every pharmacy because of drug interaction.

There is a detox page on and Newton Labs in Atlanta has made an antidote to try and remove some of the formaldehyde from the system. They also have a good liver detoxifier. In the new medical text there is a chapter for physicians on how to treat the consumer who has used aspartame as well as a chapter on options for the patient.

The wood alcohol or methanol in aspartame (10%) converts to formaldehyde and formic acid in the body which affects the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve. Dr. Morgan Raiford who was a specialist in methanol toxicity and diagnosed many of those who went blind on aspartame in the l980's did say if vision was in the "wet stage" that it could return. We have even had consumers blind on aspartame have their vision return after getting off of it. Not all of them, of course, just some where the optic nerve had not been destroyed, and there is chance for reversal.

Aspartame also triggers an irregular heart rhythm, and again most cardiac medication interact with aspartame.

Sugar free gum is particularly bad because aspartame is a drug with small molecules - goes through the mucous membranes of the mouth, straight into the blood and thus straight to the brain. It is the same as if you gave yourself an IV.

As to Congressional Hearings, there have already been three. Senator Orrin Hatch was one of the problems - paid by Monsanto. Senator Metzenbaum wrote a bill to have independent studies completed by the National Institute of Health on some of the problems being seen in the population such as seizures, drug interactions, behavioral problems and the effect on the fetus (aspartame is an abortifactent and teratogen). You can read the dead bill on "Dead Bill" It never got out of committee because of senators like Hatch and heavy Monsanto lobbying. The evidence was enough to take aspartame off the market and a moratorium was asked, yet money and political influence in the corrupt US Congress and Senate saw to it that nothing was accomplished.

There has to be such an outrage from thousands that this time nothing will be able to prevent the right action from being taken. It should make class actions easier.

Twenty years on the market using the consumer public as guinea pigs has shown that aspartame is a deadly chemical poison that has probably caused more deaths than in many wars.

Aspartame Disease has been declared a global plague by H. J. Roberts, M.D., who has published a 1000 page medical text so that doctors can diagnose their patients, pharmacists will know about drug interaction and consumers will know the problems this toxin triggers.

Even Europe is probing the sweetener for ban. It was approved in the UK because Searle, the original manufacturer, made a business deal with Professor Paul Turner, and when Parliament found out there was a big blowout. However, it was not rescinded but in 2004 a lengthy investigation has been undertaken in the UK.

Several crimes were committed to approve aspartame. For example an additive must be inert. Aspartame is a drug that interacts with other drugs and changes brain chemistry. It is about as inert as nitroglycerin. Other crimes are listed in a letter to the former Attorney General, Janet Reno.

A board of Inquiry told the FDA aspartame had not been proven safe and could not be approved. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes over-ruled the Board of Inquiry and then went to work for the PR Agency of the manufacturer at $1000/day, and has refused to talk to the press ever since. The FDA in an effort to cover up the revolving door lists Dr. Hayes on their web site but omit his employment with Burston Marsellar!

The situation is so serious there are now aspartame detoxification centers in the US.

A worldwide volunteer force is warning consumers all over the world. This site , has been on line since August 1995 and has, as of May 2005 won 45 awards and we constantly get calls and e-mails from doctors and scientists all over the world.

The FDA had good reason to have Monsanto ban aspartame in l986 when they were petitioned by the Community Nutrition Institute in Washington, D.C. because so many consumers were going blind and having seizures from aspartame. The FDA showed their loyalty to industry as usual instead of the consumer public by denying the petition.

The FDA notoriously refuses to record all reports. In fact, in original hearings it was admitted they went so far to get rid of recording aspartame complaints that they were actually referring them to the AIDS Hotline!

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that aspartame can abort the fetus and if a live baby survives it is liable to have birth defects. The FDA has refused to order even a warning on the label to stop the murder of babies in their mother's womb.

Their own FDA toxicologist, the late Dr. Adrian Gross told Congress that aspartame violated the Delaney Amendment because beyond a shadow of a doubt it triggers brain tumors. Dr. Gross concluded and "if the FDA violates its own law who is left to protect the public." In time political influence got the Delaney Amendment which forbid putting something known to cause cancer in food, repealed but that's the corrupt Congress for you again. Aspartame in original studies triggered brain, mammary, uterine, ovarian, thyroid, pancreatic and testicular tumors.

Some of the original studies were the target of an indictment which was not carried out because the two U.S. Prosecutors on the case quit and hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired. One of those studies, SC-18862, a 52 week oral toxicity infant monkey study, was actually used as pivotal evidence in the approval of aspartame. Seven infant monkeys were fed aspartame with 5 having grand mal seizures, and one dying. Rather than proving the safety of aspartame it proved the cause of an epidemic of seizures now in the population.

Aspartame is an addictive drug, methanol is classified as a narcotic (Louis, R. J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. Eighth Edition, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold (1992), pp. 2251-2252.

Because of industry's funding of professional organizations the propaganda on aspartame has been spread to consumers and physicians alike covering up the deadly effects of the drug. The FDA likewise lies to the public about safety. Misleading the public is a crime under US law Title 18, Section 1001.

Aspartame damages DNA as shown on the Barcelona Report (Trocho Study. Trocho C, Pardo R, et al.) Formaldehyde derived from dietary aspartame binds to tissue components in vivo. Life Sciences 63: 337-349, l998. When you damage DNA you can destroy the human race! Two thirds of the US alone uses aspartame, and more than 100 countries of the world.

A better opoison would be hard to make. Aspartame is a molecule composed of three components, phenylalanine(50%), aspartic acid (40%), methyl ester (10%). Aspartic Acid and phenylalanine are two amino acids you cannot isolate from their protein base because they become neurotoxins. The famed Dr. John Olney, who founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity, did studies on aspartic acid in l970 and found that it caused lesions in the brains of mice. He told Searle, the original manufacturer, but they did not tell the FDA until AFTER it was approved. Aspartic acid is an excitotoxin that stimulates the neurons of the brain to death causing brain damage of varying degrees. Methanol or wood alcohol is a severe metabolic poison that converts to formaldehyde and formic acid (ant sting poison). Phenylalanine at 50% goes directly into the brain as told to Congress by Dr. Richard Wurtman of MIT. The phenylalanine lowers the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers manic depression, rage, mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks, hallucinations, paranoia, suicidal tendencies, insomnia, etc.

The damage doesn't stop there as aspartame breaks down into a witches brew of toxins including diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent. In secret trade information volunteered in congressional hearings it was admitted in the last paragraph that they (Searle) had to consider almost complete conversion to DKP and if they told the FDA they wouldn't get approved. Searle and their CEO at the time, Donald Rumsfeld, currently Secretary of Defennce for the US, was intent on getting aspartame approved knowing full well that consumers in the population would get brain tumors just like the rats did in original studies and they didn't care. Money was their only interest.

Searle did studies in South America sacrificing people in poor villages who developed brain tumors and seizures. These studies showed that aspartame hardens the synovial fluids and destroys the central nervous system and brain. They did not publish them - another crime. People died in the studies.

More than twenty years of consumers going blind, having aspartame trigger neurodegenerative diseases, brain tumors and seizures and a list of 92 symptoms on the FDA report. Women have aborted babies as well as given birth to those with birth defects because of consuming aspartame without a warning. No doubt tens of thousands have died from the symptoms and diseases triggered by this neurotoxin. The agony, sickness and death by this deadly chemical poison is the greatest atrocity committed in the history of the FDA, and they have covered it up for years with full knowledge of the effects of aspartame.

The FDA refuses to answer 26 questions given to them on aspartame by Newt Gingrich years ago when he was Speaker of the House. The law requires they answer a congressman. The FDA likes to send a packet of Federal Registers and their propaganda Talk Paper but will not answer questions and the law says they must. FDA obviously think they are above the law.

Dependent on where you live you will have to complain to your country's equivalent of the FDA. A high percentage of them have never done any research of their own on aspartame but just taken the word of the corrupt FDA. Of all the studies done only those dne by the industry are favourable to aspartame. All private studies show multiple reasons it should be banned immediately.

Aspartame does have one use however. It gets rid of ants fast. Sprinkle a single blue Equal package on and around the nest and next day they are gone.

In the meantime, one thing that will help is notifying physicians about the new medical text, Aspartame Disease: The Ignored Epidemic. For every physician who understands the diseases and symptoms triggered by aspartame, he can save the lives of thousands, and it will also help to alert pharmacists so they know about drug interactions which also kill.

Bear in mind that according to the Lancet (a British medical publication) the medical industry now kills more people than any other source. You are a lot safer dealing with a Naturopathic or Homeopathic doctor both of whom treat the ailment, not the symptom and do not use drugs. They get you well, the medical industry keep you ill and on drugs as long as possible and it is now being proven that most drugs are ineffective.

Distributed by Aspartame Poisoning Information Canada

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