Friday, May 29, 2009

Wall Street "Sauna Scene"

They just finished playing squash, and they're sitting in the sauna, and this is where Gekko starts to turn Bud to the Dark Side.

Bud: It's a very nice club, Mr. Gekko.

Gekko: Yeah, not bad for a city college boy. Bought my way in, now all these Ivy League schmucks are sucking my knee caps. I just got on the board of the Bronx Zoo. It cost me a mill. [shakes his head] That's the thing you got remember about WASPS....they love animals, but they can't stand people.

Bud: [pauses] uhhh...Mr. Gecko...[clears throat] We took a little loss today. We got stopped out on TerraFly—about a hundred grand.

Gekko: [laughs] ....Well, I guess your dad's not a union rep of that company.

Bud: [a bit bewildered] How do you know about my father?

Gekko: [gets up] The most valuable commodity I know of is information. Wouldn't you agree?

Bud: Yeah.

Gekko: [he turns and leaves] [cuts to the locker room and they're getting dressed] The Public's out there and they're trowing darts at a board....I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure Sun Tsu "The Art of War" —every battle is won before it's ever fought. [point at Bud] Think about it.

You're not as smart as I thought you were, buddy boy. Every wonder why Fund Managers can't beat the S & P 500? ...cause they're sheep and sheep get slaughtered. I've been in this business since 69. All these Harvard MBA types—they don't add up to dogshit. Give me guys that are poor, smart, and hungry—and no feelings. You win a few, you loose a few, but you keep on fighting. And if you need a friend, get a dog. It's trench warfare out there, pal. [some weaselly looking guy butts in: How's the Cargile deal going? Gordon says, "Well, you should know, pal." The weaselly guys calls him an asshole and walks off.]

—I got 20 other brokers analyzing charts, I don't need another one. [Gordon pats Bud on the back] See you around buddy.

Bud: [gets up] I'm not just another broker, Mr. Gekko. If you give me another chance, I'll prove it to you. I'll go the extra mile. Just give me one more chance....Please?

Gekko: You want another chance?

Bud: Fuckin A!

Gekko: Then you stop sending me information, and you start getting me some. Now, get dressed, and I'll show you my charts.

[Gekko then goes on to persuade Bud to go out and get inside information, and it's quite the persuasive argument—if you're not inside, you're outside, and if you're not willing to get inside information, you might as well forget about it, you're just another one of the sheep lining up for the slaughterhouse.]

Personally, I think that's the winning attitude to have when it comes to trading stocks. If you want to be successful in the world of trading stocks, you need an informational edge.

Here's what I'm talking about—early last year my Kool-Aid began wearing off in regards to 9/11. I, along with thousands of other people, had some questions about 9/11 that were never answered. Fortunately for me, some people were able to make documentaries that tried to answer those questions.

So, when I woke up, I was noticing the DOW around 14,000, and I was 100% sure the market was going down—I realized more so than ever that there were dark forces at work in America, and these fucktards were manipulating things.

The short sell of the DOW was a rare analysis that I was 100% sure about. I don't have anymore at the moment, but I am thinking these dark forces in America are putting together another false flag terrorism attack maybe in 2010 or 2011. If this happens, expect the DOW to go to 2000.

The Americans who pulled off 9/11 are evil. They have not been brought to justice. I expect them to commit more mega acts of evil. WW3 will not be far off from our future.

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