Monday, September 01, 2008

Robert F. Kennedy "The Mindless Menace of Violence" speech

First, I'm glad YouTube is around to give Robert Kennedy a voice again.

He speaks with such beautiful eloquence.

Imagine if every politician had his level of compassion.

Do you think their would be any inner-city kids going hungry?

For that matter, would there be any kids without health care in America?

I don't understand the lack of compassion from the Republican side. They are the ones who freed the slaves, but they don't have the balls to say, "If your going to take money from hard working Americans in the 1st place the least you can do is spend their money on something that matters the most to the American people.

Furthermore, before America goes off and solves the problems of Zimbabwe, Iraq, or Timbuktu, shouldn't America make damn sure the problems at home are solved 1st.

In any case, it's clear there's a problem that neither Democrat nor Republican are willing to address, which is the fact that this nation, the United States of America, has their money supply controlled by a privately held corporation--The Federal Reserve.

It's clear, if Robert F. Kennedy were not suspiciously murdered, he would have done great things with America. He would have done what his brother John wanted to do, if he had not been suspiciously murdered as well, and he would have gotten rid of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve is run by greedy, secretive, heartless men, who don't give a damn about the average American. In fact, some of the members of the members of the Federal Reserve aren't even American citizens, and they view me and you as useless eaters.

Ron Paul is the one politician, who has the balls to stand up to them.

Obama and McCain are playing ball with the International Bankers, and that's the only reason these 2 got their party's nomination. They will change nothing.

This despite the fact, if either party were to kick the Federal Reserve out of power, every American could have health care and a college education with the current money we pay into taxes. We'd could also see an end to the sky high military spending, which isn't making this country any safer. In fact, the reckless military actions George W. Bush has the U.S. engaged in wars that have only brought the world closer to World War 3. We are closer now than we've ever been.

Most people don't realize that WW3 means the American people are no longer. That means, Russia still has thousands of missiles pointed in our direction, and Bush has sent the U.S. Military right into Russia's front yard and given them the finger.

He's playing a dangerous game over in the Black Sea right now, and most Americans don't have clue as to how dangerous those games are.

Sometimes things get knocked over when some egotistical tool is flexing his muscles. Sometimes wars are started. Think about where this military action is headed. Or, don't.

Whatever is to come of all this, I don't know.

But, how would you feel if the Russian Navy were to suddenly show up in Cuba again? Only now, instead an honorable and decent man like John F. Kennedy, someone like George W. Bush was in the White House, who's dripping in blood.

This time around, with all his tough talk, do you think George W. Bush would handle the situation with dialog or bullets?

This is extremely serious. 9/11 was never solved. If you go to the FBI's website, you'll see Osama Bin Laden was never charged for his involvement in 9/11, which means, they didn't have enough evidence to charge him. That means America started 2 wars, and the real killers could still be at large, and there's a very distinct possibility it's not Osama Bin Laden.

It makes you think.

Ask yourself, who really benefited from 9/11? Certainly, intelligence agencies gained a lot more power. If you love to spy, then you must be ecstatic over the Patriot Act.

Certainly, the military industrial complex benefited from the alleged terrorist attack.

Is it possible that the airplanes actions on 9/11 were staged, and the 19 hijackers were Oswalds, who's identities were stolen, in a Military and Intelligence operation designed to facilitate a new foreign policy of pro-active military engagement? Of course, that's plausible, if you're looking at the true beneficiaries of 9/11.

Until hard facts are presented to pin the blame squarely on Osama Bin Laden's shoulders, the conspiracies are completely plausible, and they are the most likely explanation when you look at who benefited from 9/11.

Also consider, would a man depending on a weekly dialysis treatment want to start a war where he was going to immediately be on the run forever. Not likely.

Besides, Osama Bin Laden was killed in Tora Bora, and Benazir Bhuto said so. Osama's murder happened immediately after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, but it was covered up because this "War on Terror" is meant to go on and on and on. It's meant to be a bonanza for defense contractors and every intelligence apparatus.

We're in a lot of trouble.

Americans are going to pay dearly for being led through all this wearing horse blinders through all this turmoil because eventually everyone has to pay the piper, and while this evil cabal in America has been busy covering up their crimes for the last 90 years, the world has been watching with a more clearly focused eye. It's come knowledge in intelligence circles that 9/11 was an inside job--it's their to know those kinds of things.

So, I would hate to see where all this could end up. Billions of innocent people could die, and once again, the International Bankers, who are responsible for orchestrating almost every major act of evil in America, will have the inside scoop to stand out of the way when the missiles start flying.

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