Friday, September 19, 2008

Our Collapsing American Economy

Let me throw this into the mix.

Republican Ron Paul says we need to go back to sound money. Democrat John F. Kennedy said we need to go back to sound money before he was murdered by a corporate conspiracy. (No, I don't think Oswald did it. I think a criminal element within our own government did it.)

I still believe a criminal element is in control to this day, and some people won't realize the negative effects of this corporate cabal and using their "legal tender" until entire economy collapses. One morning they'll wake up to see people running down the street with wheel barrels full of cash to buy themselves a loaf of bread, and they'll go, oh, I see, legal tender sucks.

So, yes, I believe this current dilemma is due to Corporatism. And because America is controlled by corporations we have become a debter nation and a nation that has devalued human life to almost nothing.

In America's current situation, the Corporate Federal Reserve prints and prints paper money putting us further and further into debt to increase the money supply to fix whatever problem society faces without regard to how much money it's putting into circulation, thus it causes inflation. Keep in mind, this paper isn't redeemable for anything. It's just paper and the only value it has is agreed upon value.

And with all this manipulation of money supply and how it effects the overall economy, politicians have stopped focusing on RIGHTS because Human Rights have been subverted by corporate interests. In other words, politicians have lost focus on the human toll of their actions through the blindness of corporate greed. They've confused themselves out of a game. They are living a lie, and most of them don't even know it.

So, it's been the same old story since 1913, when the Federal Reserve was created. This current turmoil, if look at the areas of their world and our economy was created by the American oil and banking cartels. The oil and banking corporations have complete control of our economies and lead us into ruinous economy wrecking wars and deregulated economic schemes.

Two corporate projects, Vietnam and Iraq are now cancers on the very fabric of American Culture. Wars based on stacks and stacks of lies. So, it's not Democrats or Republicans. It's both. The criminal corporate element has infiltrated both sides. They are also know as Globalist. They are politicians you really hear from because the corporations control the media too. So, the fake politicians will ever address the real issue of getting rid of the Federal Reserve.

Therefore, you won't see John McCain or Barak Obama seriously address the system of corruption in America despite the fact that this system continuously leads America into one catastrophic war after another and one deregulated financial meltdown after another.

Therefore, they won't address the primary issue, if you kill the corporate bank--The Federal Reserve, you can begin a Constitutional government again, as in, a government that focuses on the Rights of the people--a true republic where the have the power.

If America had sound money again, Politicians wouldn't be bailing a bunch of naughty corporations that probably don't deserve tax payer money and got rich while getting average Americans into this mess by being greedy and exploiting the loopholes.

If there's a collapse happening it needs to happen. The lies need to come to an end. Iraq was a lie. What's next? After the government spends all your money bailing corporations out, what's the government going to do? Are they going to need to raise taxes? You bet they are. They are going to raise your taxes and add more National Debt!! Yeah!!

You may think this doesn't really effect you, but when you consider all this money could be spent to ensure every kid has health care and a college education it ought to make you real angry.

So, the America people will get to suffer and pay for all this corruption through the flushing of your taxes into the bank accounts of corporate America. And what's being done for your basic human RIGHTS. That's right. I'll say this again, Your rights are being subverted by the corporate banks and the corporate military industrial complex, and they don't give a damn about you.

Wake up people!! Americans need more Rights. Voting Obama isn't the answer. Killing corporate corruption is the answer. It starts with getting rid of the Federal Reserve, and going back to sound money. Then, focus on getting rid of debt enslavement. The American people need the Right to vote to declare bankruptcy--if you're not noticing, this current financial crisis is going to make the National Debt rise another $1 trillion. $10 trillion and counting.

Americans need the Right to vote to get rid of their National Debt that's put in place through lies and mismanagement. The bailout of $1 trillion being proposed right now is being put there to cover-up lies and mismanagement. It's criminal. Why should Americans have to pay for someone else's corruption? Our politicians watched this happen over the course of several years and did nothing. To put it bluntly, politicians should be focusing tax money on the Rights of Americans not corporate bailouts. They should also be focusing on collecting taxes through a National Sales Tax that's fair for everyone instead of Income Tax. And, all this starts by getting rid of the Federal Reserve.

At that point, more institutions corrupting America's economy can be dealt from the perspective of what's best for the American people. Therefore, a very real focus could begin on American's inalienable Rights, which have been put on the back burner since 1913, when corporations began their evil influence. (Inalienable: that's a big word. It means something that can't be taken away from you. As in, Freedom of Speech is an inalienable right given to us by our Constitution. George W. Bush should look that word up.)

So, the question becomes: What Rights should we be focusing on besides the Rights we currently have? (the Right to be at war and the Right to be in debt)

Come on. Stay with me. Can you figure it out?

That's right. Simple basic human rights like Health Care. College Education. Workers Rights. --the Rights we should have been focusing on instead bad wars and bad bailouts (debt).

Call me old fashioned, but I think Americans ought to be getting some kind commitment from our politicians that they will work to expand our basic human rights as opposed to contracting them by using wars, debt, and passing laws that undo the Rights we do have like the Patriot Act.

Or, don't listen to me. Ignore me. Vote for Obama. See where that gets you.

Here's a hint: He's part of the status quo machine, whether you realize it or not. He's only going to continue Bush's agenda. It may be slightly different, but rest assured, it'll be more of the same corporate corruption.

Does this make sense?

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