Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Lehman Brother's dilemma

McCain's tax plan won't do much to help Americans, and another corporate bailout isn't going to help either. (These aren't the real problems.)

Lowering the corporate tax assumes the board or whoever is in charge of wages wants to pay decent wages. And, bailing out a company that's been behaving badly isn't a good way to spend tax payer money.

Remember, right after Bush's tax cuts we saw corporate profits take off in a number of sectors, but did we see wage increases or massive growth in jobs? NO!!

Why? It's a culture "more for me, less for you" that's permeating America. So, who cares what the tax rates are? Who cares if another greedy company goes under.

If the motives of the people at the top are selfish and greedy, the American people are going to suffer. That's what we've been seeing.

Moreover, corporate attitudes often transcend from political leaders. This "war on terror" is fake. It's a contrived pile of fiction much like Bush Sr. "war on drugs" was big steaming pile. If you don't believe me, you haven't done enough research to know any better.

The U.S. is involved in 2 illegal wars of aggression for oil and power. Bush and Cheney have pushed the U.S. closer to Armageddon than we've ever been before. And, if you don't believe 9/11 was an inside job, you should know it's common knowledge among intelligence circles that 9/11 was pulled off by the CIA, Mossad, MI5, and Pakistani Intelligence because it's their job to know these kinds of things. So, even if you don't know it, they do.

Basically, we're in a lot of trouble, and it's not just a few companies, who got too greedy. We're in a lot of trouble because violence begets violence, and Americans will eventually know the consequences of invading 2 sovereign countries. It's called Karma.

Maybe you don't believe in Karma either. Well, just know that a lot of "great" nations have failed, and the ones, who wrecked it, usually skip off into the sunset with a bag full of cash.

You might be surprised to know, since Bush and Cheney took office, they've both become billionaires.

And they've done it by putting human rights through a shredding machine during a campaign of terror. They have treasonously wrecked the Constitution with the Patriot Act. They have put every single American $10,000 deeper in debt, and it's all been for Israel and oil.

Will Obama be this country's savior? No.

Will McCain? No.

So, what do we do? Good question.

We need to go back to basics. We need to focus on the Rights of the American people. We need protections against false flag terror operations. We protections against selfish CEOs and suicidal politicians.

Americans need more rights, and they need them now.

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