Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Tibetan School of Medicine and Astrology

I find it interesting that in Tibet, if you wanted to be a doctor, you must also learn astrology.

Is it that, through astrology, a person realizes their relationship with the universe in the broadest possible perspective, therefore one realizes the interconnectivety of one's own actions in life as it relates to one's overall health?

as•trol•o•gy |astraleje| noun

the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

-From Websters: Ancient observers of the heavens developed elaborate systems of explanation based on the movements of the sun, moon, and planets through the constellations of the zodiac, for predicting events and for casting horoscopes. By 1700 astrology had lost intelletual credibility in the West, but continued to have popular appeal. Modern astrology is based on that of the Greeks, but other systems are extant, notably those of China and India.

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