Sunday, July 27, 2008

Was the moon landing faked?

The short answer: No!

I believe in a lot of conspiracies. A lot of conspiracies!! But, the one thing I absolutely know we did was go to the moon. Case closed.

Go watch the video on Google video. Put your b.s. detector on maximum sensitivity. The lunar module is floating down for a good half hour, and you can see the moon's surface as it descends. It is definitely not CGI. They didn't even have CGI back then.

No, the lunar landing was the real deal. Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are American heroes.

In fact, Buzz Aldrin wrote a book a few years ago, and someone came up to him at a book signing and said, "It was faked." So, Buzz Aldrin punched the dude in face. Awesome, right? That's exactly what he should have done. He stepped foot on the moon, and you're a douchebag, if you think otherwise.

Ask me why I think about shit like this. I don't really know.

When I was a little kid, I had a poster of Neal Armstrong standing on the moon in his space suit on my wall. In my opinion, still a kick ass poster, and I wish I still had it. Anyway, I used to day dream about going to the moon one day. Seriously, you want to talk about a brave endeavor. Fuck climbing Everest. Set foot on the moon, and you're talking about something special. And, when I say special, I mean really really really fucking special. You have to sit back a second and think about how freakin special that is. Men have been dreaming about the moon--what it's made of--how far away is it--what the hell do I need to do to get there--etc...since the dawn of conscious thought. In fact, noticing celestial patterns is probably the thing that inspired the very 1st conscious thought. The 1st conscious thought was something like, "Oh look the moon is full about every 30 days." Amirite?

Anyway, supposedly, China is planning an unmanned lunar mission to drill into the moon's core. I'd say that's a pretty fucking cool mission.

I'd even go a step further and say, "I bet the U.S. could beat the Chinese in sending an unmanned robotic craft that's capable of drilling in the moon's core and figure out definitively what's deep beneath the lunar surface." Is that a challenge? I don't know.

I think NASA is already planning a manned lunar mission. It's a few years off. Possibly a decade away. But still. That's a pretty cool ideal. I hope I'm around to see it.

Now for the kicker, with everything I've just said I'd be willing to accept that the lunar landings were faked based on who was in the White House, Richard Nixon. He was very tight with Prescott Bush.

If have every read or watched anything from my blog, you would know the type of guy Prescott Bush was. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he did something evil with regards to the space program.

If someone could provide me with some evidence, I could most definitely be persuaded to change my mind.

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