Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Boatswain's Mate, Bosun Mate, or Bos'n Mate

So, there 3 different ways to spell it, but they all mean the same thing.

Their nickname is "Boats."

Anyway, I was a Bos'n mate, and can tell you firsthand bos'n mates are the backbone of the ship. When the skipper says, "We're setting sail at 4:30, you can bet the bos'n mates are getting to bed by 10:00 to be up and ready by 3:30 in the morning. (at least the ones, who plan on staying in the Navy, are going to bed early)

I served on the U.S.S. New Orleans in the mid-90's.

This is significant only because it shaped my attitudes toward Americans and America.

It's interesting how such a brief period in one's life can play a role in the remainder of one's life.

To use a slang term, being a veteran sort of gives someone 'street cred' as well as a different perspective on things. What that person does with that cred and perspective is obviously up to that individual. I guess what I have decided to do is write about it in my little online journal.

I find the world we live in astonishing sometimes. Only lately, my astonishment has reached new levels as certain revelations have occured.

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