Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Are There Any Adoption Disqualifiers?

When adopting a child, if have ever done the following, please seriously consider the magnitude of what you are about to undertake.

1. Attempted suicide
2. Have a history of mental illness
3. Have had an extensive recreational drug history
4. Have threatened or have seriously considered divorcing your spouse
5. Have a history of infidelity
6. Have been a victim of molestation by an imediately family member

I have never seen or heard this discussed on Oprah or anywhere else in the media regarding people who are considering adoption, but this is a serious issue.
Basically, We're talking about the sanity and happiness of a child, and a sacred trust between the biological mother and the adopting parents. Just because someone has money does that make them a good candidate for adoption?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what about biological parents who are even more screwed up than a potential adoptive parent? would you rather a child be raised by biological yet abusive people than with someone unrelated yet loving who wants to adopt the child? yes you would say, but what if they happened to have depression or a neurological disorder? under your criteria, this person can biologically reproduce but is unfit to adopt? you need to reevaluate your ethics. live has obviously been too easy on you.