^^That's the link here^^
If you don't know, Time magazine belongs to the Rockefellers. Pretty much everything evil in America points to the Rockefellers. So naturally, I wasn't surprised when I read this article was originally published on, and the fact that Yahoo is putting it on its front page is telling of Yahoo's role.
So, I'm reading this article, and I'm noticing the most important part: what's not written in the article. The article is a diversionary article. They are talking about healthcare, but I noticed the word "Human Rights" is never mentioned. This seems odd, does it not?
Consider, your health is your health. How you choose to take care of your body is your Right! Is it not?
Your health does not belong to the government, but here is Uncle Sam about to dictate to every American what there health practices will be.
Notice too, nothing you've read anywhere, including this article, do you hear any politicians saying:
1. You have the Right to choose treatment options.
2. You have the Right to practice preventive medicine.
3. You have the Right to have the tax dollars you are already paying go towards healthcare.
THIS IS ANOTHER POWER GRAB because nowhere is the word Right is never mentioned because this healthcare issue they're pushing has nothing to do with YOUR RIGHTS. It has everything to do with the government gaining more power!
To clarify further, Uncle Sam takes third every American's income [your money] and gives over $1,000,000,000,000.00 dollars [that's $1 trillion] every year to the for-profit Military Industrial Complex. Then, Uncle Sam takes another $500,000,000,000 dollars [that's half a trillion, or $500 billion] to pay interest on the involuntary National Debt because the $1 trillion funneled into the pockets of the for-profit military isn't enough money! So now, every tax paying American is now $100,000 in debt thanks to Uncle Sam's involuntary National Debt.
In other words, the politicians in Washington, who receive billions from health insurance companies [every member of Congress] isn't interested in solving problems or being responsible. They are not about providing services with the money that stealing from you. They are merely the agents of the FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS, who own Washington.
So, in terms of your healthcare, the word Right is never mentioned. You just pay a third of your income in taxes and SHUTUP. You pay for your health insurance and SHUTUP. [this is the modus operandi of a dictatorship, btw]
So now, in regards to your healthcare, if you don't want to take Liptor....too damn bad, you either take it, or we jack up your insurance rates, and if you stop paying your mandatory health insurance, that's fine, literally. The IRS will be happy to make sure you pay your fine. See how lovely the new system works?
Isn't this the kind of oppression the Founding Fathers revolted against?
Notice too, this article says absolutely nothing about the mandate to buy insurance. [Clearly,
TIME doesn't want Americans dwelling on how oppressive being forced to pay for health insurance ontop of already paying a third in Income Tax is.]
In other words, this article is propaganda in the purest sense. The article is saying without saying, "Think about Healthcare, but don't think about how you are about to reamed without lubrication."
I can only imagine every American is outraged by a government DICTATE to buy Health Insurance. I cannot think of a single American who is in favor of creating fines and prison terms for people who refuse to buy health insurance...well, actually I can—If I was the CEO of a for-profit health insurance company, my wildest wetdream would be for every American to be forced to buy health insurance from my company at the price that I set and face fines or imprisonment for not doing so, which is soon likely going to be the case.
Isn't it amazing what a couple of hundreds of million bucks to grease the right palms will buy you from Congress these days?
Moreover, people, who follow my blog have heard me bitch about how Yahoo News is really just a propaganda machine. This article is the prime example. This article conveniently talks about healthcare without talking about the issues that will have every America grabbing torches and pitchforks. Apparently, from TIME's and Yahoo's perspective Americans should be thinking about Regulatory Burdens, Medicaid, and Insurance Exchanges as if people give a crap about that. In other words, DON'T think about how bought off politicians are implementing something evil that's going to create new taxes and how the government is about start dictating your health choices to you while not having the decency to use the third of your income they are already TAKING WITHOUT CONSENT!
The sad thing is most Americans are too dumb to even read the article and see through the horsecrap and figure out what's wrong with it. They don't realize the Rockefellers are apart of a conspiracy to turn every man, woman, and child into slaves.
The even sadder thing is there is a corporate aristocracy in America—people like the Rockefellers. They don't give a damn about We the People. They care about their own wealth and power. They are directing the direction of this country. Every move they make reveals how selfish and heartless they are, and most Americans just sit back and take it. They watch football, NASCAR, golf, go shopping, and all manner of superficial nonsense.
It would be so easy to expose and topple these dickweeds, if Americans started thinking for themselves. If Americans recognized propaganda and started thinking in terms of their own personal Rights, We the People could restore our country.
Realize, if someone else's Rights were being trampled in America, it's the same as having everyone's Rights trampled on. Realize, NO ONE should be DICTATING anything to Americans about healthcare.
Forget this Democrat and Republican nonsense. Both parties receive BILLIONS from for-profit corporations. The real battle isn't getting these two bought-off sides to agree on issues. The real battle in this country IS NOT Al Qaida.
We the People's real battle is against the for-profit corporate aristocracy that pays billions to Congress to do their bidding, and the fact that Congress goes along with this program!
The real battle is against the U.S. Government that stuffs the pockets of the for-profit Military Industrial Complex [corporate aristocracy] with TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
The real battle is against the U.S. Government that puts We the People in so much debt our grandchildren will be paying it off after we are long gone.
There are big issues in America.
Americans can't solve the healthcare issue without solving the tax issue.
Americans can't solve the healthcare issue without solving the debt issue.
Americans can't solve any issues really without talking about Rights.
In other words, America's framework to solve America's big issues is lacking. Americans lack the proper Rights to deal with the National Debt, the ravenous Military Industrial Complex, and the Corporate Aristocracy that doesn't give a rats ass about the American people.
To compound the complexity of this issue, you have these douchebags in Washington—they're called Democrats and Republicans, and they spend hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries—an eternity talking about total non-issues instead of discussing something substantial like the Constitutional Rights for each and every American.
Democrats and Republicans could be talking about each American's Right to have sound money, fair taxes, zero debt, healthcare, college educations, non-corrupt representatives in Washington, NOT HANDING 50% of all taxes over the for-profit Military Industrial Complex, etc...etc...etc...wouldn't that be revolutionary?
To get a better idea of what I'm talking about, you can click the link at the top of my blog, and you can buy my book: The New Bill of Rights Revolution
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